Patagonia and other adventure travel destinations

A blog for adventurers who like to travel in style

Posts filtered by patagonia holidays

Where Should I Go Whale Watching in Patagonia?

whale watching patagonia
5 minutos

When it comes to whale watching, Patagonia has it all. Wannabe whale watchers have numerous options from which to choose. Popular areas include Corcovado Gulf and Francisco Coloane Marine Park, both of which are in Chilean waters. Ask anybody in the know, however, and they’ll invariably recommend one place above all others – the Valdes Peninsula.

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A Patagonia Cruise: What You Need to Know

patagonia cruise
5 minutos

A Patagonia cruise is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. No other cruise destination can offer the vast scope of sights and experiences. If you’re planning a Patagonia cruise trip, this guide is for you. Australis has been operating cruises to Patagonia for decades. In that time,so we’ve developed truly expert knowledge of the region. In this guide, […]

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