Patagonia and other adventure travel destinations

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Prepare Your Trekking Gear

Tiempo de lectura: 5 minutos
prepare trekking gear

A trek in the mountains is not the time to improvise! Whether you have planned an excursion of a few days or several weeks, trekking requires an adequate physical preparation. Furthermore, you must prepare your trekking gear accordingly to the area you will be visiting.

Below you will find a list of the essential items you must always carry in your backpack in order to have an adventure experience in the best possible conditions.

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Basic Trekking Gear: The Essentials

No matter the place and the season, there is trekking gear you cannot forget.

  • Adequate size backpack: The right size of a backpack depends on your physique and type of excursion. A 20-liter backpack is big enough for most treks. You will rarely need a backpack larger than 40 liters, even if you intend to be completely autonomous.
  • Emergency kit: You can buy them in local pharmacies or drugstores.
  • Map: Do not rely solely on technology. Although it may be useful to track your journey with a GPS system, always bring at least one map or a travel guide.
  • Canteen: Another essential in your trekking gear list. Remember to find out about water-points in advance so that you can plan the amount you will require to carry with you.
  • Flashlight: There is nothing worse than being in the dark at dusk…
  • Waterproof clothing: Even if you anticipate good weather, mountain conditions can change very quickly. There is compact, light clothing that will add close to no weight to your backpack.
  • Compass: It can be very useful if you ever get lost.

Some Extra Items to Add to Your Backpack

  • Water backpack or camelback: Drinking without having to grab your water bottle from your backpack may come in handy. This very light item can make a long mountain trek a bit more comfortable.
  • Trekking poles: They are a personal option and their use will depend on the terrain conditions.
  • Microfiber towel: This may be your number one ally when it comes to traveling light.
  • Clothing must also be chosen carefully depending on the season. The safest option is to wear light, thermal clothing in winter and sweat-proof materials that dry quickly in summer.
  • If you plan on being autonomous, a campaign or a camping tent will be essential. Do not skimp on quality. To a large extent, your excursion depends on the quality of the sleep you get.

Basic Tips to Prepare Your Backpack

When we go trekking the question is always the same: How to prepare a backpack as light as possible where we can carry all the necessary gear?

Mountain weather is unpredictable, so make sure to prepare for all possible scenarios. Be ready to face a merciless sun as well as extremely low temperatures.

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